Winton & Districts Funeral Services is located at 306 Great North Road, Winton. First built by Ian and Heather Rizzi in 1981, and subsequentially purchased by Wilson Funeral Services until February 2012, when it became part of J Fraser and Son's, who continue the tradition of dedicated, locally based care for bereaved families in the Central, Northern and Western Districts of Southland including Invercargill.
The funeral home is managed by David Fraser, Registered Funeral Director and Embalmer. Dave was farming and shearing in Balfour, before joining the funeral industry and lives on a small farm near Gore. Dave is assisted by Sally Tily who is also a Funeral Director and celebrant. Living on the outskirts of Invercargill Sally has a lifestyle block and enjoys a vast variety of animals, her garden and maze, but has been involved within the funeral industry since 2009. Ross Thomson is a Funeral Director based in Invercargill who enjoys any opportunity to supplement the Winton team. He is passionate about family and has been a local all his life. Marshall Brown comes from a background in Social Services and is part of the monumental team. Marshall loves family life, his sport and he too is based in Invercargill but is able to assist whenever he is able.
The funeral home has recently been refurbished to include a dedicated arrangement lounge, office and viewing room.
Vehicles include a late model Holden hearse along with two Jaguars in Invercargill which are available on request.
We welcome any interested persons to call into the premises during usual business hours, or if the premises are temporarily unattended, they may be contacted on the premises phone, 032367586.

Advice can be offered in regard to all monumental work, as well as refurbishment of lettering and repair of concrete work over graves.
Families and individuals are welcome to discuss their future wishes for their own funeral or that of a family member, totally confidential which can be very helpful at the time of bereavement.
For those who would like to make a contribution towards their funeral expenses, the funds will be forwarded to the FDANZ Funeral Trust, who will manage the funds and issue a certificate of membership. The funds will be invested conservatively, with a small but guaranteed rate of interest, and at some stage in the future when the funds are required for the funeral expenses, the account balance will be forwarded directly to the funeral home with any surplus left, given to the family.
Winton & Districts Funeral Services is a division of J Fraser and Sons Ltd, Invercargill and all client families may be assured of professional and dedicated care regarding funeral service arrangements, and the respectful care of their loved one.