In the beginning, the property at 306 Great North Road, Winton was known as the McArthur property, and in the very early days (1800’s), was used as a bank.
The home became a landmark in Winton, occupied by Archibald and Janet McArthur and their family until 1937. They had emigrated from Scotland in the 1870’s and raised 11 children. Archibald McArthur was Mayor of Winton 1892 – 1894.

Even in these early years, there was a connection with the funeral directing profession, as Archibald and his cousin James McArthur worked as Blacksmith and Wheelwrights and later incorporated Funeral Directing into their business. This was continued by the family well into the 1930’s especially by William Duncan McArthur.
Over the years, transfer of ownership of the property occurred several times, and eventually (1980), was transferred to Ian and Heather Rizzi. This purchase provided the opportunity for Ian and Heather to build Winton’s first funeral home, and the property was conveniently situated across the street from Ian’s joinery business. The new premises of I S Rizzi Funeral Services was opened on 20 th September 1981.

In March 1996, after 23 years of funeral directing, Ian and Heather sold their business to Vic and Jocelyn Wilson, who had previously been assisting them with their funeral directing duties, and the premises was renamed as Wilson Funeral Services.
In February 2012, Vic and Jocelyn Wilson decided to commence their well-earned retirement, and the funeral directing business and property became a fully-serviced division of J Fraser and Sons Ltd, Invercargill, and operating as Winton and Districts Funeral Services.